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Viktor Krum had a few assumptions about the Boy-Who-Lived.Įmphasis on ‘had’, courtesy of the Goblet of Fire spewing out a fourth name. Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Harry Potter.Language: English Words: 12,869 Chapters: 8/? Comments: 38 Kudos: 537 Bookmarks: 147 Hits: 11543ĭraconicKai99 Fandoms: Harry Potter - J.

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But when Harry Potter emerges twelve years later at the Triwizard Tournament with a very protective mate, what will he do? Series Thinking that the boy would die, Dumbledore sends Harry to Bulgaria in the middle of winter. Harry Potter was cast aside as soon as he was found out to have creature blood in him. Original Potter Family Characters (Harry Potter).Kit_Kat_Cat23EH Fandoms: Harry Potter - J.

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